Future of Morley - Have your say (Stage 1)

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News on Future of Morley - Have your say (Stage 1)

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Parks & Green Spaces favourite feature of Morley

We’ve now had over 1,000 contributions to the Morley Commonplace site which is fantastic as it is building a picture of what people most like about the area - parks & green spaces continue to top the list, followed by leisure & sports facilities and Morley’s heritage buildings.

Parks & green spaces is also where 42% of you would like to see investment, along with bringing derelict buildings back into use and improving local shops.

Over three quarters of contributors live in Morley, but we are also hearing from friends and family of local residents and from some who work in the town too.

Thank you for visiting this site and keep the number of pins on the map growing – there is room for more!

Posted on 19th October 2020

by Maya Bhose